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How to Leave a Review for a Auto Transport Carrier or Auto Transport Broker? |
How to Leave a Review for a Auto Transport Carrier or Auto Transport Broker? First thing you need to do is locate the Auto Transport Company that has transported your vehicle. This should either be a Auto Transport Broker, or a Auto Transport Carrier, once you locate the transport company, you will fill out a review form, this form will ask you multiple questions in regards to your auto shipping.
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You can also click the tab "Add Review" or go to the "Home Page" and there is a search bar, type in the auto transport companies name, and once the company profile comes up, in the top right hand corner there will be a tab that says "Add Review" Please feel free to contact us though the "Contact Us" form on our website, and someone will reach out to you and walk you though each step.
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1. How to "Add" your Auto Transport Company to TransportAutoReviews? If you can't find your transport company on our website, pleae click here to add your company:
2. Apply for your auto transport companies "Free User Account" : To apply for your companies user account please click the following link:
3. If Step "1 and 2" is completed now you can become a "Sponsor" of, we are offering "FREE" Diamond memberships for the first "30" Auto Transport Brokers or Carriers, please contact us at the following link if you'd like to join: NOTE: please type"Join" in the subject line and in the comment section write your Company Name, and Contact Info, MUST have a EMAIL address so we can email you. |
Transport Auto Reviews allow companies to pay people to post reviews? |
Transport Auto Reviews allow companies to pay people to post reviews? does NOT allow auto transport companies to pay people to post real reviews or fake reviews, we do are best to assure that every auto transport review is posted by a real customer, and NOT forced by an auto transport broker or carrier to leave a revew. Please if this is the case, pleae use the "Contact Us" form on the website and let u know your story.
How do I find information on a specific auto transport company? |
Trying to locate an auto shipping company or auto transport carrier? Please click the following link and type the companies name, or click the letter that represents the "FIRST" letter of the company:
How do Auto Transport Companies come up with there prices? |
How do Auto Transport Companies come up with there prices? Type of Carrier: You will have two choices when it comes to choosing a car carrier, your first option will be an Open Carrier, and basically it is exactly that, your vehicle will be subject to all the elements, it would be just like driving it yourself, just without putting all the miles on your vehicle. If there is rain it will get wet, if there is snow, there will be snow and ice on it, and if there’s a sand storm, it will be subjected to the sand. Usually an Open Carrier would be more than enough, unless your shipping a brand new car, or a collectable, but if you really don't mind having to give it a good wash once you receive it, and it’s NOT a $100,000 vehicle, open should be fine. Your other option would be a Enclosed Carrier, and this is basically a carrier that has covered the complete trailer, therefore your vehicle will NOT be subjected to road debris, weather or any other road hazards. If you’re picky about your vehicle, or scared it might get damaged on a open carrier, then a Enclosed Carrier is the way to go.
Vehicle Condition: Does the vehicle run? If it not, does it roll, brake, steer and have keys? These are all factors that come into play when auto transport companies come up with their price to transport your vehicle. If it does NOT run, there is usually a added premium to ship the vehicle.
Transport Mileage: How much distance is between the pickup location and delivery location, the more miles, will usually result in a higher cost to transport your car. Example: Florida to Georgia, would be less of a cost then let’s say Florida to Washington. Longer distances means higher fuel costs for the auto carriers, and greater costs, so they are usually passed along to the person shipping the vehicle.
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