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How Long Does It Take To Ship a Car From to
View Past Transport Times by Origin & Destination States:
You are currently viewing customer reported transport times on vehicle moves from Arizona to California
Transportation Times: Arizona to California
Number of Transports |
8 |
Average Pick up Time
From first available date |
7 |
Fastest Pick up |
7 |
Slowest Pick up |
7 |
Average Delivery Time
From when the vehicle is picked up |
4 |
Fastest Delivery |
4 |
Slowest Delivery |
4 |
Important Note :
This data is based on customer inputted data and is subject to errors. These numbers are provided to offer a general overview of pick up and delivery times.
In an attempt to make the data more realistic we remove outlier data where the pickup and/or delivery is reported to be greater than 180 days.
We do not remove pickup and delivery times of 0 days. One driver trucks can only do 10 hours of driving a day. So if the delivery time is impossible, assume it was entered wrong by a reviewer.
Reviews by Pickup & Delivery: